
HouseImageQuality housing is an asset to a community and must be maintained and addressed just like any other infrastructure within a community. We have experienced staff available to help member cities and counties evaluate and address their respective housing needs. Housing services include but are not limited to housing project planning, housing rehabilitation administration, and a number of inspection services including licensed lead inspections and risk assessments, lead clearance testing, certified asbestos assessments, demolition inspections, and radon testing.

NCRPC also operates a Weatherization Assistance Program for residents in 41 Kansas counties and administers a home ownership program.

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Housing Rehabilitation

The NCRPC provides application preparation, project administration and inspection services for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Housing Rehabilitation Program, which is funded through the Kansas Department of Commerce. This program provides funding to local governments for homeowner and rental rehabilitation and for demolishing dilapidated residential structures. It is designed to benefit low and moderate income families.

All communities applying for a CDBG housing grant must complete the Housing Assessment Tool (HAT). This tool is designed as a self-assessment guide for communities to explore local housing data, engage stakeholders, and establish priorities for local housing investment. Have questions? Our NCRPC housing department is ready to help.

Housing Inspection Services

NCRPC housing inspectors are licensed or certified to provide a variety of inspection services for governmental entities and private property owners. To learn more about any of the following inspection services NCRPC offers or to request a bid, contact the NCRPC Housing Department.

Housing Quality Standards Inspection
Our certified inspectors determine if a unit meets the Housing Quality Standards set forth by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Lead Based Paint Inspection
A paint inspection is a surface-by-surface investigation to determine the presence of lead-based paint and reports the results of the investigation.
Lead Based Paint Risk Assessment
A risk assessment determines the existence, nature, severity and location of lead-based paint hazards (including lead hazards in paint, dust and soil) in or on a residential property and reports the findings of the assessment and the options for controlling or abating the hazards that are found.
Lead Clearance Testing
The primary purpose of a clearance examination is to determine whether the clearance area is safe for occupancy or for entry by unprotected workers. Clearance provides the contractor and the owner with an objective determination that the job site was left free of lead-based paint hazards.
Certified Asbestos Material Inspection
In Kansas, the asbestos program is operated by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) Bureau of Air. Regulations are in place in Kansas to help protect the public and workers from exposure to asbestos fibers during removal, renovation and demolition of commercial and public buildings. In certain circumstances, residential properties fall under these regulations as well.

As a result, prior to demolition, all commercial, industrial and some residential buildings must be inspected by a qualified asbestos inspector. If in question, contact the KDHE or the NCRPC for guidance on how to proceed.

Demolition Inspection
The NCRPC offers a variety of inspections for demolition based on what is required by local, State or Federal jurisdiction. A demolition inspection may require an asbestos inspection.
Radon Testing
It is recommended that all homeowners test their residences for radon gas concentrations. Our Kansas-Certified Radon Measurement Technician can complete this testing for you.
Weatherization Inspection
A weatherization inspection consists of determining work that is necessary to ensure that homes are weatherized as allowed by program guidelines and that heating appliances are checked for safety and efficiency. These inspections are completed for the Weatherization Assistance Program and are sometimes used in conjunction with CDBG Rehabilitation Projects.

Other Housing Services Available

We understand that strong housing in our communities can improve the quality of life for residents. Our staff routinely work with municipalities, economic development agencies, nonprofit agencies and others to improve housing in the region. The following additional resources are available by contacting housing department staff:

  • A list of housing developers that have done work in Kansas
  • Resources for beginning a land bank


The North Central Regional Planning Commission can be reached at 785-738-2218.

To email the housing staff directly, please fill out the form below. Fields marked with an * are required.

Keegan Bailey – Housing Director

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    Your Email*



    Contractor Opportunities

    We are currently seeking qualified housing and/or HVAC contractors to bid contract work for our housing programs. For more information, click here.