Make Your Accounting Quick with QuickBooks – Oct. 13 Session

Online via Zoom

Any accounting software can be overwhelming and intimidating. Do not let this stop you. LRS Consulting, Inc. will help you discover the features QuickBooks© has to offer for your business and show you the benefits of accurate record keeping. Look


Customer Service – The Key to Surviving Economic Downturns

Online via Zoom

Without customers your business cannot survive. Use this training to turn your need for customers into your customer’s needs to generate profit for your business. LRS Consulting, Inc. will teach you how to use your personal traits to keep customers


Making Cents of Financial Statements

Online via Zoom

If you have heard of an Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement and do not know what these mean, LRS Consulting, Inc. will teach you what they are and how to use them. Understanding your periodic financial statements


Make Your Accounting Quick with QuickBooks

Online via Zoom

This class is full. Another session has been added on January 12. Any accounting software can be overwhelming and intimidating. Do not let this stop you. LRS Consulting, Inc. will help you discover the features QuickBooks© has to offer for


Make Your Accounting Quick with QuickBooks®

Online via Zoom

QuickBooks® integration allows for quick and accurate recordkeeping, while also reducing stress and intimidation. This seamless system allows multiple users to view and edit the same information. Imagine how easy that is for your tax preparer! Join LRS Consulting, Inc


Making Cent$ of Financial Statements

Online via Zoom

Please note: This course is full! Additional registrations are not being accepted at this time. If you have heard of an Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement and do not know what these mean, LRS Consulting, Inc. will


Make Your Accounting Quick with QuickBooks®

Online via Zoom

QuickBooks® integration allows for quick and accurate recordkeeping, while also reducing stress and intimidation. This seamless system allows multiple users to view and edit the same information. Imagine how easy that is for your tax preparer! Join LRS Consulting, Inc
