Innovation Stimulus Program Assists Business

Sharp Manufacturing, LLC Selected to Receive Engineering Services

Over the past year, many businesses were forced to innovate, adapt or pivot operations. One North Central Kansas business took the opportunity to improve internal functions for manufacturing its trailer variations.

Supporting Housing Needs

Two Nonprofits Continue Mission to Strengthen NCK Housing

Two housing nonprofit organizations were launched in the region in 2018 with the purpose of helping to preserve and strengthen housing in North Central Kansas. That mission continues today.

We Want to Hear from You!

survey imageThe NCRPC is updating its regional Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) and needs your help. We invite you to take a short survey if you live or work in North Central Kansas — including the counties of Clay, Cloud,

Project Spotlight: City of Frankfort Completes Project to Improve Truck Route

What had been one of the roughest streets to travel in the City of Frankfort is now one of the smoothest after the city completed a major project to improve an existing truck route.

Highways 9 and 99 intersect in the heart of Frankfort’s downtown district.


Resiliency Efforts Continue

Two added to Project Team; Planning for Free Business and Nonprofit Trainings Underway

The NCRPC is pleased to announce that Deb Ohlde and Laura Leite have joined the organization’s economic recovery and resiliency project team as contracted consultants.

Request for Proposals for Delivery of Training and Technical Assistance for Region’s Businesses and Non-Profits

The North Central Regional Planning Commission (NCRPC) has released a Request for Proposals for delivery of training and technical assistance to businesses and non-profits located in NCRPC’s 12-county service area.

Experienced firms, groups, or individuals are invited to submit proposals that focus on providing training and technical assistance in the following areas: Developing an Online Presence;

Two High School Seniors Receive Rural Voices Contest Awards

image of rural voices 2020-2021 contest themeTwo high school seniors in North Central Kansas are being recognized with the John R. Cyr Rural Voices Award for submitting the top entries in the 2020-2021 Rural Voices Youth Contest sponsored by the NCRPC.

Avery Johnson,

CDBG Awards Announced

Good news came to several North Central Kansas communities last month in the form of a grant award. The awards will help complete a variety of improvement projects across the region. The funding comes from the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program administered by the Kansas Department of Commerce.

Project Spotlight: City of Tipton Solves Drainage Issues

Perseverance paid off for the City of Tipton. When the first attempt to secure project funding for a storm drainage system improvement project was denied, the city council went back to the drawing board and narrowed the scope of work.


NCK Business Relief Loan Program Update

Second Phase Announced for Businesses Less than 2 Years Old

A second phase of the NCK Business Relief Loan Program is now available — this time for businesses less than two years old.

image of NCK Business Relief Loan Program Logo

“This next phase was developed to help businesses that have not been eligible for some of the other COVID-19 economic relief programs that are available due to the start date of the business,” NCRPC Business Finance Director Debra Peters said.
