Celebrating Community

Photos Highlight Pride, Commitment to Improving Quality of Life

In the September 2021 newsletter, we put out a call for photos of community events that have occurred since 2019 such as 150th celebrations, annual festivals, and more – and our readers answered!

Project Spotlight: Historic Mitchell County Courthouse Undergoes Restoration

Construction of the Mitchell County Courthouse was completed in 1901 at a cost of $38,310. An exterior restoration project to repair and restore mortar joints completed in July 2021 came in at a cost of just over $147,000.

“Some people have lived in the county all their lives and do not remember a cleaning as thorough as what was recently done,” Tom Claussen,


Minneapolis Dental Practice Expands Lab Service

NCK Business Relief Loan Program Helps Business Pivot Operations

When All Smiles Dental Care, LC was forced to close for 6 weeks in Spring 2020 due to COVID-19, Dr. Ashley Swisher had time to focus on a plan to expand lab services for her practice.

Population Change in NCK: A Matter of Perspective

Reactions to August Census Bureau Release of Some 2020 Census Data

By Emily Benedick, Executive Director

Kansas map highlighting the North Central Kansas 12-county NCRPC service areaIn nearly every conversation regarding the biggest threats to North Central Kansas, “population loss” is at or near the top of the list.

Project Spotlight: Disaster Training Exercise

Award from North Central Kansas Rural Development Initiative Helped Document Training

By Lacey Miller, Regional Public Health Preparedness Coordinator

On April 29, 2021, an explosion exercise occurred at the North Central Kansas Technical College’s (NCK Tech) Welding Department.


Social Media Marketing Tips

Free Training Gave Students Tools for Using Social Media

By Laura Leite, Training Coordinator

Have you heard the buzz about social media marketing but don’t know where to start? Do you think it is too complicated or that you need a teenager to help?

Free Training Now Available

Classes Scheduled for Area Residents, Businesses, Nonprofits

image advertising free training now availableRegistrations are now being accepted for residents, businesses, and non-profit organizations located in North Central Kansas to attend free training covering a variety of topics.

More than 40 courses are currently scheduled in the categories of business and nonprofit basics,

Loan Funds Provide Relief to NCK Businesses

NCK Business Relief Loan Program logo

Program Assists 16 Businesses in the Region

A total of 16 businesses located in North Central Kansas received assistance through the NCK Business Relief Loan Program.

The program was made available in November 2020 to assist North Central Kansas businesses adversely impacted by COVID-19.

Strategic Planning Underway

Survey Results Help Identify Region’s Current Priorities

As an Economic Development Administration (EDA) partnership planning grantee, the NCRPC is responsible for updating a regional Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) at least every 5 years. A CEDS is a document that serves as a tool to help guide regional economic development efforts.

Project Spotlight: City of Blue Rapids Enhances Summer Recreation Opportunities

A recently completed project in the City of Blue Rapids is making a splash this summer.

The project was made possible, in part, through a special round of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding awarded in 2019. The grant award was $763,411.

