Positive Results Continue for Home Ownership Pilot Programs

home ownership logoFinancial incentives offered through the NCK Home Ownership Pilot Program’s 2019 expansion to Ellsworth and Lincoln counties assisted in the purchase of 10 homes in Ellsworth County, 6 homes in Lincoln County and 1 in Mitchell County.

The program officially expanded to Ellsworth and Lincoln counties in June 2019.

NCKCN Expands to New Location

nckcn logoThe North Central Kansas Community Network (NCKCN) is expanding! NCKCN now provides its fixed wireless Internet service to residents and businesses in another great rural community: Scandia, KS.

NCKCN is an Internet service provider that was originally formed in 1995 to help connect communities that were underserved by cable or fiber.

Resources in Response to COVID-19

The North Central Regional Planning Commission is working hard to ensure current programs continue to operate as seamlessly as possible during this time. Recognizing the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on individuals and businesses in the region, this resource page is intended to provide helpful information.

Operations Update

To our Partners, Clients and Friends,

The NCRPC offices will be closed beginning March 18 as a precaution to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Staff will be working remotely during this time. Please know that while our office may be closed,

Rural Voices 2019-2020 Winners Announced

Rural Voices Youth Contest logo Congratulations to the 2019-2020 Rural Voices winners!

Jake Toole, Washington County High School

Julisa Wolf, Ell-Saline High School

The NCRPC sponsors the Rural Voices Youth Contest each year to engage high school seniors in North Central Kansas in thoughtful reflection on rural Kansas and to promote a discussion among citizens based on their insights.

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Home Ownership Pilot Program Results Indicate Positive Impact for Marysville

Financial incentives offered through the Marysville Home Ownership Pilot Program assisted in the purchase of 17 homes in the community since February 2018.

The program provided home buyers with down payment and closing cost assistance. The total of the 17 homes was just over $2 million,


Help Your Community, Region Count in 2020 Census

The U.S. Census Bureau for some time now is planning a vigorous marketing and outreach effort called the 2020 Census. The Census Bureau is spending $500 million on communication campaigning to broaden the awareness and participation in the important effort.


Project Spotlight: Historic Salina Depot Restored

A historic Missouri Pacific Depot in downtown Salina has been restored. The unique limestone building, which had been vacant for several years, now functions as professional office space.

The former depot was originally constructed in 1887 and had not had a significant upgrade in over 50 years.

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Program Helps Participants Save, Gain Tools for Managing Finances

Improving finances is a goal for many individuals and families. The Individual Development Account (IDA) Program is one tool that could help qualified Kansans.

Designed to help Kansans of low to moderate income levels, the program helps participants save while teaching habits of financial responsibility.

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Youth Entrepreneurship Contests Provide Participants with Real-World Experience

This article appeared in the November 2019 NCRPC Newsletter.

Empowering students to develop an idea and solve a problem through entrepreneurship might help spark the entrepreneurial pipeline in communities. That possibility is reason enough for several to host local contests for students.

