
The following is a listing of funding opportunities potentially available for projects related to Transportation with focus on programs applicable to North Central Kansas. Click here for helpful tips on seeking project funding.

Resources/Partner Programs – Kansas Department of Transportation

A comprehensive Local Program Opportunities Guide from the Kansas Department of Transportation is available here.

A full list of partner programs is also available on the KDOT/IKE Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program site. Below is a listing of some of the more common programs.

Kansas Airport Improvement Program

This program assists with improvements to all public-use airports except those classified as Primary airports. The program focuses on preservation and enhancement of the Kansas airport system through airfield pavements, lighting, weather systems, navigational aids, planning grants and aeronautical surveys for instrument approaches, etc. Funds are not intended to be used as sponsor’s match for a federal project. Planning projects may qualify.

Deadline: Annually, generally in September
Organization: Kansas Department of Transportation

Kansas Department of Transportation Bureau of Local Projects programs – including Kansas Bridge Programs and City Connecting Link Improvement Program

Kansas Department of Transportation has several bridge programs, including the Off-System Bridge Program, a federal program to repair or replace bridges that are not on the federal-aid system, and the Kansas Local Bridge Improvement Program, which provides funds to Local Public Agencies to replace or rehabilitate locally-owned, deficient bridges in order to improve overall system throughout the State of Kansas.

The City Connecting Link Improvement Program assists cities in funding improvements to city streets that carry a state highway designation.

Deadline: Bureau of Local Projects sends out a memo with application when soliciting projects.
Organization: Kansas Department of Transportation

Cost Share

This program provides financial assistance to local entities for construction projects that improve safety, leverage state funds to increase total transportation investment, and help both rural and urban areas of the state improve the transportation system. Projects must address an important transportation need such as: promoting safety; improving access or mobility; improving condition or relieving congestion. Local governments, often in partnership with a private business, may apply.

Deadline: Applications are considered two times a year.
Organization: Kansas Department of Transportation

Transportation Alternatives

This program provides funding for surface transportation projects that fall into one of these four main categories: Pedestrian & Bicycle Facilities; Safe Routes to School (SRTS); Scenic & Environmental; Historic and Archeological Transportation.

A local cash match is required to pay for 20% or more on eligible project costs. Applications must be sponsored by and submitted through a local unit of government (city/county), however, any public entity, private, nonprofit, or civic organization may promote and assist with the project application and project.

Deadline: Application workshops are held and applications are solicited every other year.
Organization: Kansas Department of Transportation