
The following is a listing of funding opportunities potentially available for projects related to Arts with focus on programs applicable to North Central Kansas. Click here for helpful tips on seeking project funding.

Arts Everywhere Program

The Arts Everywhere grant program provides funding for cultural projects, programs, exhibitions, series, arts education projects, and other arts programming. Maximum grant amounts range from $1,000 to $20,000 depending on category and eligibility. KCAIC requires that all grants are matched at a minimum of 1:1 through a combination of cash and in-kind expenses. Established 501(c)(3) organizations, Federally recognized tribal communities, and units of local governments are eligible to apply. Arts Everywhere grants are awarded in four categories:

  • Arts in Education
  • Innovative Partnerships
  • Organizational Development
  • Specific Arts & Culture Projects

Deadline: Check program website. In 2024, applications due February 23.
Organization: Kansas Creative Arts and Industries Commission (KCAIC)

General Operating Support

The General Operating Support (GOS) grant program provides funding for Kansas public and private non-profit arts and cultural organizations, including museums, local arts councils and commissions, statewide arts and cultural service organizations, and organizations that have cultural program activities in any of the art and cultural disciplines (music, dance, theatre, creative writing, literature, painting, sculpture, folk arts, photography, crafts, media arts, visual arts, programs of museums, and other such allied, major art forms). The organization’s mission must directly support arts and cultural programming. Maximum grant amounts range from $1,000 to $25,000 depending on eligibility requirements. KCAIC requires that all grants are matched at a minimum of 1:1 through a combination of cash and in-kind expenses. Eligible applicants include the following: established 501(c)(3) arts organizations whose primary purpose is to produce, present, promote or serve the arts; Federally recognized tribal communities; and Units of local governments.

Deadline: Check program website. In 2024, applications due February 23.
Organization: Kansas Creative Arts and Industries Commission (KCAIC)

Horizons Grants Program

This program is for Saline County, KS, only. It leverages community cultural development through the implementation of private and public funding granted to individuals and organizations proposing projects that “build community and change lives.” Developing artist and organizational grants are awarded annually. Smaller Horizons Enrichment Grants are available throughout the year as funds are available.

Deadline: Check the website for details
Organization: Salina Arts and Humanities Foundation

Mid-America Arts Alliance Regional Touring Program

This program awards grants to qualifying organizations that present public events in their community. Touring artists must come from outside the presenter’s state but within M-AAA’s service region (Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas). Organizations must be a 501(c)3 not-for-profit or a unit of state or local government or a federally recognized tribal entity.

Deadline: This program has a rolling deadline, and applications are due three weeks prior to the start date of the project.
Organization: Mid-America Arts Alliance

Public Art and Murals Grant

Program connects communities through public art & mural projects. Maximum request is $10,000 and a 1:1 match is required (for a $10,000 award, $10,000 – match required, of which 75% may be in-kind, except for rural communities with a population less than 15,000 for which 100% of the match can be in-kind). Eligible applicants include established 501c3 organizations, units of local government, and federally recognized tribes.

Deadline: Check program website.
Organization: Kansas Creative Arts and Industries Commission (KCAIC)

Organizational Mentorship for the Arts

This program encourages established arts organizations to provide mentorship services to emerging arts organizations, councils and collectives. Eligible applicants include established 501(c)(3) arts organizations based in Kansas. The total project cost must be at least twice the amount of the grant request. The maximum grant amount is $7,500.

Deadline: Check program website.
Organization: Kansas Creative Arts and Industries Commission (KCAIC)

Our Town Grants

Our Town is the National Endowment for the Arts’ creative placemaking grants program. The program includes funding for projects that integrate arts, culture, and design activities into efforts that strengthen communities by advancing local economic, physical, and/or social outcomes.

Deadline: Annually, generally in August.
Organization: National Endowment for the Arts

Rural Murals

Program provides funding for communities with populations of 15,000 or less to reinvigorate spaces by creating new murals or public art that incorporate the community’s history, culture, heritage, tourism, or other community led art piece. Maximum request is $7,500 and local match required. Eligible applicants include: Units of local government; Economic/Community Development and Tourism non-profits (501c3 or 501c6); Federally recognized tribes; and Non-profit organizations (501c3).

Deadline: Check website for details.
Organization: Office of Rural Prosperity

The Sunderland Foundation

Grants in four major areas including: higher education; youth services; arts and culture; and health care and hospitals. Support focuses on supporting bricks and mortar projects, awarding grants to nonprofits in the Kansas City region and other areas where the Ash Grove Cement Company does business. Eligible areas include Western Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Arkansas, and Western Iowa, and, to a lesser extent, in Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Utah and Montana. Areas of interest include higher education, churches, youth serving agencies, health facilities, community buildings, museums, civic projects, and low maintenance, energy efficient housing projects sponsored by qualified tax-exempt organizations.

Deadline: Throughout year.
Organization: The Sunderland Foundation

Visiting Artists Program

Program provides funding for eligible organizations to engage and deepen the impact of arts programming on local and underserved audiences through exposure to and interaction with professional visiting artists. Grant amounts range from $1,000 to $7,500. There is a 1:1 match requirement for this program. Eligible applicants include the following: Established 501(c)(3) organizations; Units of local governments (including schools, universities, libraries, arts agencies, etc.); and Federally recognized tribal communities.

Deadline: Applications for Kansas Touring Roster Visiting Artists grants are accepted on a rolling basis but must be submitted no fewer than 60 days prior to the planned event. Visiting Artist grants for presenting artists not on the Touring Roster are accepted annually in conjunction with other KCAIC open grant application periods.
Organization: Kansas Creative Arts and Industries Commission (KCAIC)