Make Your Accounting Quick with QuickBooks

Online via Zoom

This class is full. Another session has been added on January 12. Any accounting software can be overwhelming and intimidating. Do not let this stop you. LRS Consulting, Inc. will help you discover the features QuickBooks© has to offer for


Make Your Accounting Quick with QuickBooks®

Online via Zoom

QuickBooks® integration allows for quick and accurate recordkeeping, while also reducing stress and intimidation. This seamless system allows multiple users to view and edit the same information. Imagine how easy that is for your tax preparer! Join LRS Consulting, Inc


Making Cent$ of Financial Statements

Online via Zoom

Please note: This course is full! Additional registrations are not being accepted at this time. If you have heard of an Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement and do not know what these mean, LRS Consulting, Inc. will


3M: Money, Market, and Management

Online via Zoom

The Top-3 reasons that start-ups fail: Money, Market, and Management! This 90-minute workshop is an introduction to the basics of Money, Market, and Management for anyone considering the launch of a new business or anyone looking for a refresher! Learn


Know the Numbers

Online via Zoom

Know the Numbers is a 1-hour Start-Up Finance workshop. Financial problems are one of the major reasons that startups fail. Don’t become a casualty! This workshop covers the major financial statements, how to use them, Break Even Point, Overhead Rates,


3M: Money, Market, and Management

Online via Zoom

The Top-3 reasons that start-ups fail: Money, Market, and Management! This 90-minute workshop is an introduction to the basics of Money, Market, and Management for anyone considering the launch of a new business or anyone looking for a refresher! Learn


Developing an Effective Fundraising Plan

Online via Zoom

Fundraising is one of the biggest challenges nonprofits face. For small to medium size nonprofits its even a bigger challenge. We will go through the steps of setting goals and identifying strategies for raising funds and diversifying your funding. Course


Know the Numbers

Online via Zoom

Know the Numbers is a 1-hour Start-Up Finance workshop. Financial problems are one of the major reasons that startups fail. Don’t become a casualty! This workshop covers the major financial statements, how to use them, Break Even Point, Overhead Rates,


Creating and Implementing a Strategic Plan

Online via Zoom

You've heard the term in you fail to plan, you plan to fail. The creation and implementation of a strategic plan is critical to growing your organization. This session will take you through the steps of strategic planning for your


3M: Money, Market, and Management

Online via Zoom

The Top-3 reasons that start-ups fail: Money, Market, and Management! This 90-minute workshop is an introduction to the basics of Money, Market, and Management for anyone considering the launch of a new business or anyone looking for a refresher! Learn


Know the Numbers

Online via Zoom

Know the Numbers is a 1-hour Start-Up Finance workshop. Financial problems are one of the major reasons that startups fail. Don’t become a casualty! This workshop covers the major financial statements, how to use them, Break Even Point, Overhead Rates,
