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Benedick Named Executive Director

benedickThe North Central Regional Planning Commission Executive Board has named Emily Benedick as the organization’s new Executive Director.

She will succeed Doug McKinney, who last year announced plans to step down from his position this spring. McKinney began with the North Central Regional Planning Commission in 1986 and has been Executive Director since 2008. McKinney and Benedick will collaborate to lead the organization until McKinney’s last day on May 1.

Benedick has been with North Central Regional Planning Commission since 2015 and was named Assistant Director in 2018. A native of the Saint Louis, Missouri, area, Emily graduated with a master’s degree in landscape architecture from Kansas State University.

“I am excited and honored to be named the next NCRPC Executive Director,” Benedick said. “As an organization, we have been advancing rural Kansas since 1972 thanks to the passion and hard work of the executive directors before me. I am eager to explore what new opportunities we can bring to North Central Kansas, as well as continue to ensure our current program offerings thrive.”

Benedick will be just the fifth executive director in the nearly 50 years since the organization was formed.

“We are looking forward to the strategic growth of the North Central Regional Planning Commission under the leadership of Mrs. Benedick,” Hannah Stambaugh, NCRPC Board search committee chair, said. “She brings innovative ideas and passion for the organization and the region as a whole that made her an excellent choice to lead the North Central Regional Planning Commission after the retirement of Mr. Doug McKinney.”

McKinney leaves behind a legacy of 34 years of service that touched the lives of many Kansas residents.

“Doug will certainly be missed,” Stambaugh said. “His contributions to the entire region and state are appreciated. He will always be the biggest advocate for successful communities and economic growth.”

This article appeared in the March 2020 NCRPC Newsletter.

Reflections on Transitions, 34 Years with Organization

Column by Doug McKinney

mckinneyAs many of you know by now, I am stepping down as Executive Director of the North Central Regional Planning Commission soon. It is time to place more focus on ailing family members and other important matters.

Transitions in life take us to new adventures and new challenges. It is not always the precise path we have embarked on. But, per the ancient author Jeremiah, it can mean God’s plans are to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a productive future. As of May 2, 2020, that is where my faith and hope will be directed after 34 years here at North Central Regional Planning Commission.

My career with the NCRPC began in 1986 when the organization was like a distressed teen and ceases when it is quite mature and riding a tall wave for purposeful activities as well as staff, beneficiary and board member engagement.  Working here has enriched my knowledge of a sense of place, value of communities and the rich blessings God provides us all.

My appreciation is strong for this three and half decade opportunity. From the Emergency Aid Center in Salina to Russell Stover negotiations to seeing a rural water district supply water to households previously having to truck it in — the memories of making a difference abound. I am grateful for John Cyr for having faith and coaxing me west away from going to Missouri, for my wife for willingly putting down roots here, for cities and counties and local leadership working with NCRPC all these years, for the many dedicated colleagues, for supportive and engaged board members, and for legislators and officials at the state and federal levels supporting what great value NCRPC and its affiliates bring to Kansas.

I am confident that North Central Regional Planning Commission will continue to thrive through collaboration and partnerships. The NCRPC staff is top notch. The organization will continue to inform, help resolve unfunded mandates, improve housing, support training of first responders, enhance businesses, build out infrastructure and broadband, and inspire a vast community of believers as to the benefits of rural Kansas.

This article appeared in the March 2020 NCRPC Newsletter.

Rural Voices Winners Announced

rural voices youth contest logoTwo high school seniors in North Central Kansas are being recognized with the John R. Cyr Rural Voices Award for submitting the top entries in the 2019-2020 Rural Voices Youth Contest sponsored by the NCRPC.

Jake Toole, a senior at Washington County High School, and Julisa Wolf, a senior at Ell-Saline High School, submitted the winning entries in this year’s contest. Each will receive a cash award of $850. The contest awards are named in honor of John Cyr who served for 22 years as the NCRPC Executive Director. Since 2006, NCRPC has awarded more than $24,000 through the Rural Voices Youth Contest.

Students had the option to submit an original essay or video reflective of this year’s contest theme of “Rural Kansas…Rural by Choice.” High school seniors in the 12-county NCRPC service area were eligible to participate.

“Sponsoring the contest is one way for our organization to encourage students to reflect on the many positive qualities of rural Kansas as they get ready to enter the next phase of life,” Doug McKinney said. “We are always impressed by the ideas presented in these entries.”

View the 2019-2020 winning entries.

This article appeared in the March 2020 NCRPC Newsletter.

Communities Awarded CDBG Funds for Projects

Several North Central Kansas communities recently learned they will receive grants to help complete a variety of improvement projects. The funding comes from the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program administered by the Kansas Department of Commerce.

NCRPC staff assisted with the following projects and will provide project administration.

The City of Belleville was awarded $175,000 to purchase a new fire truck. The city will contribute $175,000 in matching funds.

The City of Chapman was awarded $600,000 to build a non-discharging wastewater treatment facility. The city will provide $3,535,794 in matching funds it secured through USDA Rural Development.

The City of Clay Center was awarded $250,000 on behalf of a local business owner for commercial rehabilitation of a dilapidated downtown building. The local business owner will provide $161,757 in matching funds.

The City of Concordia was awarded $561,660 to make sanitary sewer and storm sewer improvements in the city. The city will contribute $561,661 in matching funds.

The City of Hanover was awarded $600,000 for water distribution system improvements. The city will provide $3,730,247 in matching funds it secured through USDA Rural Development.

The City of Lincoln Center was awarded $600,000 for water distribution system improvements. The city will provide $605,961 in matching funds it secured through Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

The City of Marysville was awarded $600,000 to build a new fire station. The city will contribute $938,448 in matching funds.

The City of Miltonvale was awarded $35,212 to complete a demolition project. The city will contribute a total of $35,213 through local city funds, force account labor and waived landfill fees.

The City of Minneapolis was awarded $300,000 for housing rehabilitation and demolition. The city will contribute $13,700 in matching funds.

The City of Solomon was awarded $600,000 for water distribution system improvements. The city will provide $1,416,424 in matching funds it secured through Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

To be awarded CDBG funds for a project, local government units must meet at least one of three program objectives: benefit low and moderate-income persons; prevent or eliminate slums and blight; or resolve an urgent need where local resources are not available to do so. Learn more about the CDBG Program at the Kansas Department of Commerce or contact the NCRPC office to discuss project needs.

This article appeared in the March 2020 NCRPC Newsletter.

Positive Results Continue for Home Ownership Pilot Programs

home ownership logoFinancial incentives offered through the NCK Home Ownership Pilot Program’s 2019 expansion to Ellsworth and Lincoln counties assisted in the purchase of 10 homes in Ellsworth County, 6 homes in Lincoln County and 1 in Mitchell County.

The program officially expanded to Ellsworth and Lincoln counties in June 2019. It assisted home buyers with down payment and closing cost assistance. The total value of the 17 homes was $1.4 million, with $204,000 coming from the pilot program.

The NCRPC administered the program offered by its new housing non-profit, NCK Housing Opportunities, Inc. The non-profit serves Cloud, Ellsworth, Jewell, Lincoln, Mitchell, Ottawa, Republic, and Saline Counties. An award from the Dane G. Hansen Foundation of Logan, Kansas, assisted in the creation of the loan and grant pool, along with a donation from the NCKCN NCK Business Development Fund.

Of the home buyers who used the pilot programs in each county, 41% reported taking a new job in the last 12 months and 44% reported the program was a factor in their decision to take the job. In addition, 64% bought their first home. Results also indicated that 45% of new residents who moved to their community within the last 12 months were between 30 and 49 years of age. According to research by University of Minnesota Extension Educator Ben Winchester, this average age group is the most likely to move to a rural area.

Similar pilot programs have been completed in the City of Marysville and Cloud and Mitchell Counties. Another pilot began in Dickinson County in March. Additional pilot programs are scheduled to launch in Ottawa and Republic Counties in late April. Learn more about the Home Ownership program.

This article appeared in the March 2020 NCRPC Newsletter.

NCKCN Expands to New Location

nckcn logoThe North Central Kansas Community Network (NCKCN) is expanding! NCKCN now provides its fixed wireless Internet service to residents and businesses in another great rural community: Scandia, KS.

NCKCN is an Internet service provider that was originally formed in 1995 to help connect communities that were underserved by cable or fiber. Today, it continues to adapt and grow to meet the changing technology demands in North Central Kansas. NCKCN is a 501(c)3 non-profit affiliate of the NCRPC.

With speeds up to 50Mbps, wireless Internet customers are able to stream movies, watch ball games, play online games, or run a business with ease. Scandia is the tenth location in the growing list of NCKCN wireless Internet communities. Other locations include Ada, Belleville, Beloit, Clyde, Concordia, Jewell, Lincoln, Mankato and Minneapolis.

NCKCN also offers 16 NCK-WiFi hotspot locations distributed throughout seven communities. NCK-WiFi, is a partnership of NCKCN and Cunningham Telephone & Cable (CTC).

See the latest NCK-WiFi locations and learn more about NCKCN here.

This article appeared in the March 2020 NCRPC Newsletter.

Home Ownership Pilot Program Results Indicate Positive Impact for Marysville

Financial incentives offered through the Marysville Home Ownership Pilot Program assisted in the purchase of 17 homes in the community since February 2018.

The program provided home buyers with down payment and closing cost assistance. The total of the 17 homes was just over $2 million, with $186,400 coming from the pilot program.

Primary objectives of the program were to help make home ownership more affordable, be a catalyst for first time home buyers, benefit employers in recruiting and retaining employees, reduce employee time spent commuting to work, and market the program to alumni considering a move to live closer to friends and family.

Grant funds for the program were provided through contributions from the Marysville Community Foundation, Guise-Weber Foundation, R.L. and Elsa Helvering Trust, Citizens State Bank, First Commerce Bank, and United Bank & Trust, all of Marysville. Loan funds were provided by the North Central Kansas Community Network, Co. (NCKCN)-Four Rivers Business Loan Pool. NCRPC administered the program. NCKCN is an affiliate of the NCRPC.

According to NCRPC Home Ownership Program Manager Debra Peters, survey results of home buyers who accessed the program indicate positive local impacts. “The employment impact was good,” Peters said. “Of the home buyers, 50% reported taking a new job in the last 12 months and 39% reported the program was a factor in their decision to take the job. We are pleased with the results.”

Other program outcomes include 86% of home buyers reported the program was a factor in their decision to purchase a home at this time, 57% bought their first home, 17% graduated from Marysville Senior High School, and 57% moved from outside of the NCRPC 12-county service area — including Clay, Cloud, Dickinson, Ellsworth, Jewell, Lincoln, Marshall, Mitchell, Ottawa, Republic, Saline and Washington Counties. In addition, the program had an impact on education in the community. Five children were new to the local schools and program applicants indicated 8 more will be entering school within the next 5 years.

Similar pilot programs have been completed in Cloud, Ellsworth, Lincoln and Mitchell Counties. Future plans include the expansion of pilot home ownership programs to each of the remaining counties in the NCRPC 12-county service area, pending the availability of funding. Results of these pilot programs will be used to develop a permanent regional home ownership program.

This article appeared in the January 2020 NCRPC Newsletter.

Help Your Community, Region Count in 2020 Census

The U.S. Census Bureau for some time now is planning a vigorous marketing and outreach effort called the 2020 Census. The Census Bureau is spending $500 million on communication campaigning to broaden the awareness and participation in the important effort.

map image

Image courtesy of U.S. Census BureauI

In late January and throughout February, paid advertising in support of the 2020 Census will begin running in print and digital formats, on television and radio, on billboards, and at transit stations. The integrated campaign will feature advertising in 13 languages and continue from January through June. The goal of the 2020 U.S. Census is to count everyone who lives in this country. It is conducted every 10 years and is required by the U.S. Constitution.

Census responses determine congressional representation in the states and inform how billions of dollars in Federal funds are distributed to states and local communities every year for critical public services and infrastructure, including health clinics, schools, roads and emergency services. Some North Central Kansas communities have missed out on resources due to Census under counts.

The households in this part of the United States will start receiving invitations by mail to respond to the 2020 Census in mid-March. Some will receive electronic mail invitations to complete simple, fast, and securely online. All can complete the one-page form online.

For more information, visit Please do your part and help others do theirs so EVERYONE living in Kansas on April 1 is counted!

This article appeared in the January 2020 NCRPC Newsletter.

Census Resources to Help You Spread the Word:

Kansas Counts (#KansasCounts, @KSCounts)

Website hosted by the League of Kansas Municipalities to support 2020 Census efforts. Features one-page infographics for cities in Kansas, social media messages with images, and promotional videos.

Kansas State Data Center (@KansasSDC)

Factsheets and Infographics with Kansas-specific data.

Also see for a gallery of tools and resources for local efforts.


Project Spotlight: Historic Salina Depot Restored

restored depot

NCRPC administered a CDBG Commercial Rehabilitation project that helped restore a former depot located at 356 N. Santa Fe in Salina.

A historic Missouri Pacific Depot in downtown Salina has been restored. The unique limestone building, which had been vacant for several years, now functions as professional office space.

The former depot was originally constructed in 1887 and had not had a significant upgrade in over 50 years. Salina Office Station, LLC purchased the building in 2017 with the intent of updating it for office space.

The restoration was the result of many partners working together. The City of Salina received a $250,000 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the Kansas Department of Commerce for the Downtown Commercial Rehabilitation Project. The building’s owners, Salina Office Station, LLC, provided more than $110,000 in matching funds to make needed repairs to the building. NCRPC staff provided project planning assistance and administration.

“This project was able to bring an empty historic building in the downtown area back to life,” NCRPC Community Development Specialist Nichole McDaniel said. “It is an example of a successful project with multiple partners.”

The purpose of the CDBG Commercial Rehabilitation Program is to help cities improve the quality of their downtown commercial districts by assisting private property owners in the rehabilitation of blighted buildings.

“As owners of the former Salina MOPAC freight depot, we were fortunate to qualify for participation in the CDBG Commercial Rehabilitation program as administered by the NCRPC,” Ken Bieberly, one of three owners of Salina Office Station, LLC, said. “The grant provided funds for the remodeling that made the project economically feasible and historically correct.”

The project included upgrading and preserving the historic exterior and meeting ADA interior compliance requirements. The newly renovated former depot, now named Salina Office Station, includes four professional office rental spaces.

Other key partners involved with the project include general contractor Ry-Co Inc. and project architect Warren Ediger.

There is an open window for communities to submit applications for the CDBG Downtown Commercial Rehabilitation program each year. For more information, visit or contact the NCRPC office to visit with a staff member about your project needs.

There are many great things happening in North Central Kansas. The Project Spotlight series features projects around the region to share ways communities have solved challenges. To view more Project Spotlights, visit

This article appeared in the January 2020 NCRPC Newsletter.

Program Helps Participants Save, Gain Tools for Managing Finances

Improving finances is a goal for many individuals and families. The Individual Development Account (IDA) Program is one tool that could help qualified Kansans.

Designed to help Kansans of low to moderate income levels, the program helps participants save while teaching habits of financial responsibility.

Qualified households must meet income and asset guidelines, have earned income, and complete an online money management course. To qualify, gross household income must fall below 200% of the current Federal poverty guidelines.

calculatorOnce eligible, participants can open a special savings account that is eligible for a 2:1 match for every dollar saved, up to $3,000. For example, $3,000 in savings will be matched with $6,000 for a total of $9,000. Accrued savings can be used to purchase a first home, pay for home repairs, open a small business, or pay for college or specialized training.

The Kansas Department of Commerce oversees the IDA program. Interfaith Housing and Community Services, Inc., located in Hutchinson, administers the program.

“We provide quality education, personalized support, and asset building opportunities that empower individuals and families in Kansas to develop and maintain solid financial foundations,” Lacy Stauffacher, Director of Financial Capabilities at Interfaith Housing and Community Services, Inc., said. “This program hinges on implementing healthy financial habits that will have a lasting positive impact on families and their communities.”

To learn more or to apply, visit

This article appeared in the January 2020 NCRPC Newsletter.
