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NCRPC Announces Leadership Transition

The North Central Regional Planning Commission (NCRPC) Executive Director, John Shea, has announced his plans to step down at the end of March to accept a new position in California. He has served as the director of the organization, which is based in Beloit, Kansas, for the past three years.

The organization remains dedicated to its mission and committed to providing services to its clients and members throughout the transition.

“We were excited to have John join us three years ago and are sorry to see him move on but wish him the best in his next position,” said Tom Claussen, Chair of the NCRPC Board. “John has done a great deal to advance the mission of the NCRPC and strengthen the organization. We know whoever succeeds him will continue his progressive and strategic approach.”

The NCRPC Board held a special meeting on March 21 to discuss the leadership change, during which Shea expressed his gratitude to the group.

“I am so appreciative to have had the opportunity to serve North Central Kansas and to work alongside wonderful colleagues, board members, partners, and friends,” said Shea. “It is with regret that I am leaving, but I now consider myself an honorary Kansan.”

The NCRPC Executive Board of Directors appointed Deb Ohlde as Interim Executive Director. She will officially begin those duties on March 29 and will lead the organization during the transition. Ohlde has been serving as Assistant Director of Strategic Initiatives for NCRPC since 2022.

Business Grant Funds Available for a Limited Time in Three Counties

Community Development Block Grant-COVID Resiliency Projects Ending Soon in Cloud, Lincoln, and Mitchell Counties

Limited grant funding remains to assist for-profit businesses in Cloud, Lincoln, and Mitchell Counties that were in operation as of March 1, 2020. The funding is part of the Community Development Block Grant-COVID Resiliency (CDBG-CVR) grants that were awarded to these locations in Fall 2023. The North Central Regional Planning Commission is administering these projects in each county.

These grants can help cover expenses for various projects, including equipment, software, professional development and training, HVAC upgrades, and more. The program aims to improve businesses in ways that directly enhance their resilience to events like pandemics or emergencies, with the primary goal of retaining jobs for low-to-moderate income families. This marks the fourth and final round of the Kansas CDBG-CV program.

“This is a unique opportunity for businesses to access grant funds that can help them become more resilient should we experience another health emergency such as COVID,” says NCRPC Community Development Assistant Carol Torkelson.

To be included in this project, businesses must submit their completed application by February 15, 2025. In addition to the requirement that the business must have been operational as of March 1, 2020, additional eligibility criteria are outlined in the application.

Interested businesses should contact Carol Torkelson to determine if their business project qualifies. Torkelson can be reached at the North Central Regional Planning Commission at 785-738-2218 or via email at

Limited Funding Available for Development of an Engineering Study (PER)

As part of the NCRPC’s Thriving Communities designation by the Department of Transportation, we have a small allocation of funding to assist communities in funding a preliminary engineering report (PER) for a transportation, water or sewer project. PER preparation for transportation projects will be highest priority.  Interested communities should reply on or before January 8, 2025.

Eligibility Criteria to Apply for these Funds: Priority for communities less than 500 population, have a poverty level above the state average, have not received a state/federal grant in the last 3 years and/or are LMI eligible.

We anticipate that we will make 5 or 6 awards for approximately half of the cost of the PER.  This is an outstanding opportunity for communities to have a PER prepared for a reduced cost so that they are ready to prepare for grant funds later this year.

Awards will be made based on type of project – transportation will score higher than water and sewer.  Similarly, communities that meet more of the above eligibility criteria above and/or that have a higher poverty level, LMI level or lower population, will also score higher.

If your community is interested AND meets the eligibility criteria, on or before January 8, 2025, email Deb Ohlde, NCRPC Assistant Director of Strategic Initiatives ( In the email, be sure to include the following:

  • Community name
  • Type of project you are interested in pursuing
  • Best contact person including email and phone number

We look forward to helping you take the first step in making your project a reality.

Kansas Housing Cooperative Loan Program

The NCRPC is pleased to be partnering with the Dane G. Hansen Foundation and the Innovation Center to provide forgivable loans to developers, builders, and/or homeowners to address increasing housing costs and appraisal gaps that present a barrier to homeownership and affordable rental housing.  The State of Kansas, Dane Hansen Foundation, and local communities will contribute $12 million over the next three years to support the construction of 240 new homes and rental properties in North Central and Northwest Kansas.

Find out more by visiting the Innovation Center.

Two Honored with Lifetime Public Service Awards at NCRPC Fall Event

An evening of networking, dining, and a keynote address culminated in the presentation of the 2024 NCRPC Lifetime Public Service Awards to Darla Bebber of Miltonvale, Kansas, and Don Landoll of Marysville, Kansas. The event took place on October 24 in Salina, Kansas.

Darla Bebber from Miltonvale, Kansas, was awarded a 2024 NCRPC Lifetime Public Service Award. She is shown with NCRPC Executive Director John Shea (left) and NCRPC Assistant Director of Strategic Initiatives Deb Ohlde (right).

The Lifetime Public Service Award was established in 2022 to honor individuals or organizations for their exceptional contributions to the well-being of North Central Kansas over an extended period. Darla Bebber was the Miltonvale City Clerk for 42 years. During that time, she demonstrated a tremendous commitment to public service through her position with the city, and also as a volunteer.

“City Clerks have a key position in a community as a source of information, a hub of connections and also to keep things running smoothly,” says Deb Ohlde, NCRPC Assistant Director of Strategic Initiatives, who worked with Bebber on various community projects. “Darla embraced that role and went above and beyond the basics to do it well.”

Don Landoll, Marysville, received a NCRPC Lifetime Public Service Award. Presenting the award were NCRPC Executive Director John Shea (left) and Marysville Community Foundation President Jeff Crist (right).

Don Landoll, the founder, owner, and president of Landoll Company, LLC, has long been dedicated to community and public service both locally and regionally.

“Don is always willing to give his time, talent, leadership, and resources to promote the quality of life in rural areas,” says Jeff Crist, President of the Marysville Community Foundation. “Additionally, he is responsible for the creation of hundreds of local jobs and career opportunities in North Central Kansas and surrounding areas.”

Attendees were also entertained by keynote speaker Aaron Putze, who shared insights on fostering progress, connections, and growth in rural communities. Putze is an author and speaker who also serves as the Chief Officer of Brand Management and Engagement at the Iowa Soybean Association. Thank you to everyone who joined us for the event!

This article appeared in the Quarters 3 & 4 2024 NCRPC Newsletter.

Housing Initiative Helps to Address Rural Housing Challenges

Second Year Program Results Show Benefit to Six Kansas Counties

Financial assistance provided through the second year of the NCRPC Housing Initiative enabled the completion of 87 housing rehabilitation projects and the demolition of 55 dilapidated residential structures across six Kansas counties: Cheyenne, Decatur, Gove, Graham, Republic, and Rooks.

The initiative was administered by the North Central Regional Planning Commission through a partnership with the Dane G. Hansen Foundation of Logan, Kansas.

Intended to strengthen housing in communities, the initiative included pilot programs focusing on moderate-income housing rehabilitation and the demolition of dilapidated residential properties.

The Demolition Pilot Program offered reimbursement grants of up to $5,000 per property for removal and cleanup of structures. The Moderate Income Housing Rehabilitation Pilot Program offered reimbursement grants of up to $10,000 to homeowners to complete minor housing upgrades. Households met moderate income guidelines to be eligible to apply.

“The moderate-income housing rehabilitation pilot program was designed to assist homeowners that are many times underserved by other funding programs,” said NCRPC Housing Director Keegan Bailey. “There is not a one-size-fits-all approach to addressing housing challenges in rural communities. This initiative was one tool available to assist homeowners.”

The most common housing improvements completed with program assistance included upgrades to windows, siding, electrical systems, and HVAC systems.

“We were thrilled with results of year two of the initiative and appreciate the local partners who helped make the program a success in these locations,” Bailey said. “Anything we can do to help preserve housing stock or remove dilapidated structures is a win for communities,” Bailey said.

Similar pilot programs have also been completed in Cloud, Jewell, Lincoln, Mitchell, Russell, and Smith counties. A third year of the NCRPC Housing Initiative has also launched in six additional Kansas counties, including Logan, Osborne, Ottawa, Phillips, Rawlins, and Sherman, and is currently ongoing. It is anticipated that the initiative will expand to more counties in the Dane G. Hansen Foundation service area in 2025, subject to the availability of funding.

Learn more about the NCRPC Housing Initiative.

This article appeared in the Quarters 3 & 4 2024 NCRPC Newsletter.

Project Spotlight: Washington County Industrial Park Near Linn

BASE Grant Helps Accelerate Plans for Expansion Project

The map shows the expansion location highlighted in yellow, directly across from the original industrial park along KS Highway 15 near Linn. (Courtesy Photo)

Around the same time that the current industrial park in Washington County was filled, the Department of Commerce announced a new funding program called Building a Stronger Economy (BASE) Grants.

The Washington County Economic Partnership (WCEP) originally intended to allocate a portion of their budget each year to save for an industrial park project. However, with no available vacancies, an expansion was needed sooner rather than later. WCEP proposed a project to purchase approximately 25 acres of land across the road (Kansas Highway 15) from the existing park and convert it into lots equipped with utilities.

Ultimately, in Spring 2022, the project was awarded a grant of $207,222, with another 25% in matching funds from the Washington County Economic Partnership. The BASE program, authorized by the SPARK Executive Committee, was designed to support infrastructure development that addresses economic development opportunities statewide, with the goal of expanding the state’s base of businesses and residents. It is no longer available.

The project scope included land acquisition, installation of utilities, surveying to subdivide for potential business lots, signage, and project administration. The NCRPC provided planning assistance, grant writing, and project administration.

Does your community have a project idea or need? The NCRPC will be releasing a new project interest form in early 2025. Watch for more details to be released soon.

This article appeared in the Quarters 3 & 4 2024 NCRPC Newsletter.

There are many great things happening in North Central Kansas. Project Spotlight shares stories from communities around the region and how they solved challenges. View more at

Campground Offers Wide Range of Services for Customers

NCRPC Business Finance Program Assists Dickinson County Business

photo of Walt’s Four Seasons Campground & Country Store LLC, located six miles east of Abilene, Kansas

Walt’s Four Seasons Campground & Country Store LLC, located six miles east of Abilene, Kansas, provides year-round camping and a number of amenities for travelers and local residents. (Courtesy Photo)

Before purchasing Walt’s Four Seasons Campground and Country Store, LLC in 2020, Walter (Bud) and Kelly McKenzie visited multiple RV parks and lived on-site for 12 months. Their commitment was not just to create a successful business, but one that would benefit the community and region, a commitment that remains unwavering today.

The campground, located six miles east of Abilene, Kansas, at the intersection of I-70 and K-43 Highway, features a Phillips 66 convenience store and 64 campsites. Amenities include a fishing pond, walking trails, a pool, a dog park, mini golf, a playground, and boat/camper storage. Recently, they also added U-Haul rentals to their list of services. Walt’s County Store is open daily and offers a full grocery store, 24/7 fuel access, camping supplies, fishing bait, and laundry facilities. Additionally, Walt’s features daily meal specials, made-to-order deli sandwiches, pizza, and hamburgers, and is equipped as an event venue and for providing catering for groups and meetings.

In 2023, the McKenzie’s completed major improvements including the pool and electrical upgrades. A 2024 project helped position the business for continued growth, securing operating capital and inventory purchases. It was made possible through investments by the owners and assistance from Bennington State Bank of Abilene, GROWKS Loan Program-Rural, and the NCK Business Down Payment Assistance Loan Program, offered by NCRPC.

Learn more about the NCRPC Business Finance program.

This article appeared in the Quarters 3 & 4 2024 NCRPC Newsletter.


2024 Speaker, Meal, and Networking

The public is invited to join us! We look forward to seeing you.

Thursday, October 24th, 2024

Martinelli’s Little Italy (Banquet Room)
158 S Santa Fe Ave.
Salina, KS 67401

5:30 p.m.  |  Social
6 p.m.  |  Dinner

Registration has closed for this event.

Keynote Address

Aaron Putze will give the keynote address at the 2024 NCRPC Banquet.

Aaron Putze is a speaker, author, and work-life coach. He also serves as Chief Officer of Strategy & Brand Management for the Iowa Soybean Association.

His keynote message will center around the concept of Stronger Together. What town, city, county, region or state doesn’t want to improve amenities, economic opportunities and quality of life for its residents? Identify a community that’s disinterested in welcoming new residents, families, businesses, health care providers and entrepreneurs? Name a geographical area that hasn’t rallied the troops to elevate economic development and tap state and national grant programs to improve recreational and environmental services? The “growth business” for regions and communities is a competitive one as many areas are vying for goals and outcomes similar to those of NCRPC! So how does one compete in such a crowded field? For starters, it’s not doing what’s always been done and expecting different results! It’s thinking outside the box, trying new things, prioritizing projects and resources, doing away with the status quo and rallying around a shared vision, mission and goal! Stronger together isn’t just a saying. It’s the essence of driving progress, connections and growth. Be inspired and encouraged as Aaron tees up powerful and relatable stories of inspiration in celebration of NCRPC’s successes and future growth and success!

NCRPC Lifetime Public Service Award

One of the highlights of this event is the announcement of the NCRPC Lifetime Public Service Award. Congratulations to this year’s recipients:

  • Darla Bebber, Miltonvale, Kansas
  • Don Landoll, Marysville, Kansas

News Release – October 11, 2024 (PDF, 174 KB)


Two High School Seniors Selected to Receive Rural Voices Contest Awards

image of money and graduation capTwo recent high school graduates, Thaddeus Donley and Noah Goss, have been selected as this year’s recipients of the John R. Cyr Rural Voices Award in the 2023-2024 Rural Voices Youth Contest. The award is named in honor of John R. Cyr, who served as the Executive Director for the North Central Regional Planning Commission for 22 years. Thaddeus Donley graduated from Donley Ranch Schoolhouse in rural Ellsworth County. Noah Goss is a graduate of Ellsworth High School. Both students submitted winning entries in this year’s contest.

The NCRPC has sponsored the contest since 2006 and has awarded over $30,000 to graduates from the region. High school seniors from the 12-county NCRPC service area were asked to share their perspectives on the contest theme, “Rural Kansas…Success Through Innovation,” by submitting either an essay or video reflecting this theme.

Thad Donley

Noah Goss

“We were pleased to honor this year’s recipients of the John R. Cyr Rural Voices Award,” said NCRPC Executive Director John Shea. “It is inspiring to hear what participants say about the region and rural Kansas each year – and this year was no exception.”

Donley plans to attend Kansas State University, majoring in Animal Science and Industry. Additionally, he will continue to work towards obtaining a private pilot’s license. His entry discussed his real estate investing and lawn mowing businesses.

“The theme was important to me because it made me realize my own story of success through innovation in rural Kansas,” Donley said.

Goss will attend Lake Land College in Mattoon, Illinois, to pursue an associate degree in Agriculture while being a livestock judging team member.

“Living in rural Kansas has played a significant role in shaping me into the person I am today, and I would not trade living in a small community for anything,” Goss said. “By seeing innovation within my community and other communities in North Central Kansas, it is inspiring to see the effort put into preserving small towns and their ways of life.”

Details for the next Rural Voices Youth Contest will be announced in the Fall and entries will be due February 1, 2025.

View this year’s winning entries.

This article appeared in the Quarter 2 2024 NCRPC Newsletter.
